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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

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At the Calvary Lutheran Church and Preschool in Plymouth, Indiana, we believe that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. Our ministries under the educational realm are designed to provide a robust foundation of faith, nurturing a deep and enduring relationship with God, and fostering a sense of community among our members. Whether you are a child, a youth, or an adult, there’s a place for you to learn, grow, and belong.

Our Sunday School and Adult Classes offer a welcoming environment for members of all ages to explore and deepen their understanding of the Bible, Lutheran teachings, and Christian living. The Vacation Bible School is a vibrant and engaging program that makes learning about God’s love fun and memorable for our younger members. Youth Confirmation is a significant milestone that equips our young adults with a strong foundation in Lutheran beliefs and practices. Similarly, Adult Confirmation provides an avenue for adults to affirm their faith, learn about Lutheran doctrine, and become active members of our congregation. Lastly, our Thursday Morning Bible Studies provide a contemplative and communal setting for delving into the Scriptures, discussing life’s challenges, and growing together in faith. Through these ministries, we aim to provide a supportive and enriching environment for everyone to continue learning, questioning, and growing in their spiritual journey, regardless of where they may find themselves on that path.

Sunday School/Adult Classes

For everyone from age 3 to adult, every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30AM.

Vacation Bible School

Children are encouraged to join in each summer for Bible study, singing, craft projects, and fun in a joyful Christian setting.

Youth Confirmation

Children, grades 5-8, are invited to attend and to be instructed in the chief parts of Lutheran Christian doctrine. This group meets on Sundays from 11:45 to 1:00, from August to May.

Adult Confirmation

This midweek Bible class is led by Pastor Ahlemeyer and is designed for adults who wish to learn the teaching of the Bible and the Lutheran Christian faith. There is no obligation to join the church. However, this class does lead to church membership if so desired.

Thursday Morning Bible Studies

These quarterly Bible studies are led by Pastor Ahlemeyer and Pastor Rohde. It is designed for adults who want to dig deeply into individual books of the Bible and grow deeply in their faith.

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