Calvary Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a church body of over two million members serving our Lord Jesus throughout the United States and around the world. Visit LCMS to learn more.

Holy Communion
We joyfully celebrate and offer the Lord's Supper on the 1st three Sundays of each month (both services), and at special times during the church year. Out of Christian love, we practice "closed" communion, permitting those whom, it is reasonably certain have been instructed in the chief parts of the Lutheran Christian doctrine, and confess the same faith, and are able to examine themselves, according to 1 Corinthians 11:28, 29.

Church Staff

Church History
- November 5, 1933
First Lutheran Mission Worship Service was held in the basement of the Plymouth Hotel.
- April 12, 1934
Calvary Lutheran Church is organized.
- April 12, 1941
Dedication of the first church building.
At this time, the Church had a seating capacity of 200. - June 1941
Calvary Lutheran Church receives membership to the Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, and other states.
- January 29, 1950
Parsonage completed and dedicated.
- December 8, 1963
A 6410 sq. ft. addition, including the educational unit and Friendship Hall, is dedicated.
- October 1963
Sanctuary redecorated and completed.
- 1984
Worship facilities and basement expanded.
- 1988
Preschool program initiated.
- August 2002
Renovation and construction work begins on new preschool rooms, restrooms, kitchen, entrance, worship facilities, and offices.
- April 27, 2003
Dedication of the new facilities.
- June 2009
Calvary celebrates its 75th anniversary.
- April 2017
Dedication of Remodeled Sanctuary
- August 2019
Celebrated 85th Anniversary
- April 2017
Dedication of New Sanctuary Carpet
- October-November 2023
Remodeled Gymnasium